Wednesday, December 15, 2010

slam poets Response

3 things that you are looking forward to learning, developing or using in your poetry over the course of our Slam workshops.

1. the of the things that I'm am looking forward to learning is how to write a poem.

2. the second one is what 's the  between a rap and a poem

3.  is a song a type of poem.

2 things that Greg or Beth Anne reinforced that we have already been doing in class, or you are already using in your own writing.  of the things Beth and Greg already said that i already new was that a poem does not have to rhyme.

3 things that you are looking forward to learning, developing or using in your poetry over the course of our Slam workshops.1. poem that you wrote yesterday. Here is your chance to continue to work on step 1 of the 3 step poetry writing process (step 1 - write, revise, edit and proofread, step 2 - memorize, so you can connect with the audience, step 3 - perform!). Take some time to polish your poem from the 10 minutes of writing you did yesterday.